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Carpet Remnants

High-Quality Carpet Remnants

From luxurious textures to captivating patterns, each remnant holds the potential to transform your home into a haven of comfort and style. Peninsula Flooring's team of skilled experts guide you through this treasure trove, offering personalized recommendations to suit your individual taste and interior design aspirations. With their unwavering commitment to quality, you can trust that these remnants are not just remnants but a testament to superior craftsmanship. Whether you seek to enhance a cozy corner or revitalize an entire room, Peninsula Flooring's carpet remnants are a gateway to unparalleled beauty and affordable luxury. Step into a world of endless possibilities and let your imagination soar as you explore the captivating wonders that await you at Peninsula Flooring.

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What Are Carpet Remnants?

Carpet remnants are leftover pieces of carpet that remain after a larger roll or piece of carpet has been cut for installation. These remnants are typically smaller and are often sold at discounted prices compared to full-sized carpets. They can come from various sources, such as excess inventory, custom orders, or remnants left over from larger carpet installations.


Carpet remnants offer a range of advantages and possibilities. They can be an economical option for those on a budget, providing the opportunity to obtain quality carpeting at a lower cost. Remnants can be utilized in various ways, such as covering small areas like closets, hallways, or stairs, or even as an accent rug or doormat. They can also serve as a creative solution for DIY projects, such as crafting unique floor coverings or patching damaged sections of existing carpets.


Additionally, carpet remnants typically showcase a diverse selection of colors, textures, and patterns, allowing homeowners to explore different design possibilities and find a remnant that perfectly complements their existing decor or desired style.


By offering affordability, versatility, and a chance to add character to any space, carpet remnants present a valuable option for those seeking both practicality and aesthetic appeal.

We Sell Carpet Remnants at a Cheaper Price than Those Big Box Stores.

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